Happy St. Patrick's Day. To tell you the truth Trevor and I have never really celebrated St. Patrick's Day but the boys have some of the best Aunts and Uncles around and their Aunt Lou sent some goodies for the kids to have on St. Patrick's Day. The night before Garrett was so excited for some Leprechauns to come. Thank goodness for Aunt Lou she had me supplied with bags of chocolate gold to hide and little party hats, balloons and green pop rock candy!! The boys were so thrilled and Garrett spotted a bag of gold the second he came down stairs in the morning and continued to help the rest of the boys find theirs. Thank you so much Aunt Lou, Uncle Matt, Nate, Bay, Jack and Ry. We love you guys!!! : )Brody didn't like the hat on his head. It could possibly be due to me accidentally snapping the elastic on his cheek as I was trying to put it on him. : ( But balloons are always a big hit for any kid that I have ever known!!
Mason loved his hat so much he decided he was going to take it for show and tell at school that day. So I had to take some pictures of him in it and like I have said in the past this kid has the hardest time taking a good picture and it is because he can't keep his eyes open. This is just some of about 50, no joke, he is ridiculous. Garrett went through a faze like this but he was one and every time you pulled out a camera he would instantly close his eyes or squint.
In this picture he decided to try and hold his eyes open...
Getting closer....
Finally I figured out to just have him look at Garrett standing behind me..... man it was one tough picture to get. Silly little boy.....
But worth it because he looks like a little Leprechaun with that red hair!! : )
101 Years of Books: the 1930s
5 years ago
They are so cute with those little hats on! Glad they had a fun St. Patrick's Day! Did I hear there were also some green waffles or something involved? We had green (spinach) ravioli and it wasn't even on purpose!
So much fun! that is so funny about Mason closing his eyes. The pictures were well worth it! Love you guys!!!Mason has the perfect color of red hair......
Hilarious Holls! Your boys are so dang cute!
Aw! Emily is so good! Love those hats, they are adorable. And just wanted to say that I appreciated your card so much. I had a hard week last week and it came right at a perfect time. Made me cry! Thank you!!
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