Although I would rather of had about a million different trials in my life then the one a will no doubt struggle with the rest of my life I would never in a million years change the fact that I was able to fall in love and experience the little bit of life I was able to with Trevor. Trevor is one of a kind with the best personality, so full of excitement, humor, and love. Trev made everything in life better and more enjoyable. I never wanted to leave his side, I just could never get enough of him. There are many reasons I feel so blessed in my life but I would just like to share one today that Porter shared in a talk during primary: Heavenly Father Speaks to us Through His Prophets:
I am so glad that Heavenly Father talks to the prophets and tells us things we should do. The prophets have told us that Heavenly Father would like us to keep a journal. President Wilford Woodruff has said that journals are, "of far more worth than gold."
I am so glad that my Dad listened to the prophets while he was serving a mission and kept a journal. It is fun for me to hear the stories on his mission and learn about the blessings Heavenly Father gave him for serving him. I like to hear how much he loves Heavenly Father and this church and that he knows they are true.
President Wilford Woodruff said writing in your journal can be a blessing to us and our families. I have a testimony of that because my Dad's journal is a blessing to me.
A few weeks after Porter gave his talk in primary Garrett got up all on his own and bore his testimony in sacrament meeting. Let me tell you the nerve factor of having him go up there and not knowing what he was going to say. My stomach was in knots. He did such a good job though. This is what he said, "I would like to bare my testimony. My Dad served a mission in the Philippines and he kept a journal. I love to hear his stories on his mission, they are a blessing to me. I can feel the spirit." Those might not be his exact words but close to it. I should have written it down when I got home. Anyhow, it sent me in to tears and then I had to leave. Garrett has such a sweet testimony and love for this church and his Dad. I am so proud of him and all of my little men. They have been such a strength to me and they have been amazing through all that they have endured. I too am so grateful for Trevor and the fact that he one served a mission and two that he kept a journal because it is such a strength to me and I know it will be a strength to the boys through out their life. Trevor has such a sweet testimony that he shares multiple times through out his journal and it is a confirmation of the wonderful person I have always known him to be. He has such a big heart and love for everyone he comes in contact with especially the less fortunate and he tells of his love for his family, friends, leaders and Heavenly Father. There is no hiding who you are as a person in your private journal and Trevor is as wonderful in his heart as we have all known him to be in person. I love and miss him so much!

Holly, Love all the pictures. Think of you often. Love you!
You brought tears to my eyes! LOVE YOU!
Holly, I miss Trevie so much! These pictures mean so much to me. Thanks for posting them and for your sweet words of encouragement and love for Trev. I am so grateful to have known Trev too. I feel extremely blessed. I wish everyone could have known him. He is the person that made everything more fun more enjoyable,more exciting, and more memorable!!! There is so much to love about Trev. He loves you guys so much. I love that smile of his...always a smile....Amanda
Gosh, it is so fun looking back on those pictures. Great post Holly-- with and amazing perspective. We miss him so much! Love you both!!!
Holls- so sweet! Seeing those pictures of Trevor and your boy make it feel like he's still here. I'm so sorry for the trials you have gone through and face each day. You are an amazing woman, love you so much!
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