Happy St. Patrick's Day. To tell you the truth Trevor and I have never really celebrated St. Patrick's Day but the boys have some of the best Aunts and Uncles around and their Aunt Lou sent some goodies for the kids to have on St. Patrick's Day. The night before Garrett was so excited for some Leprechauns to come. Thank goodness for Aunt Lou she had me supplied with bags of chocolate gold to hide and little party hats, balloons and green pop rock candy!! The boys were so thrilled and Garrett spotted a bag of gold the second he came down stairs in the morning and continued to help the rest of the boys find theirs. Thank you so much Aunt Lou, Uncle Matt, Nate, Bay, Jack and Ry. We love you guys!!! : )Brody didn't like the hat on his head. It could possibly be due to me accidentally snapping the elastic on his cheek as I was trying to put it on him. : ( But balloons are always a big hit for any kid that I have ever known!!
Mason loved his hat so much he decided he was going to take it for show and tell at school that day. So I had to take some pictures of him in it and like I have said in the past this kid has the hardest time taking a good picture and it is because he can't keep his eyes open. This is just some of about 50, no joke, he is ridiculous. Garrett went through a faze like this but he was one and every time you pulled out a camera he would instantly close his eyes or squint.
In this picture he decided to try and hold his eyes open...
Getting closer....
Finally I figured out to just have him look at Garrett standing behind me..... man it was one tough picture to get. Silly little boy.....
But worth it because he looks like a little Leprechaun with that red hair!! : )
Monday, March 28, 2011
Happy St. Patty's Day...
Posted by Trevor and Holly at 9:07 AM 4 comments
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
Funny Boys...
Posted by Trevor and Holly at 10:56 AM 4 comments
Saturday, March 12, 2011
Terms of Endearment...
Things I miss hearing.... When Trevor and I first started dating and up through the honeymoon stages of marriage he called me goose and I called him moose. Goose came from silly goose and I am not quite sure where the moose came, probably just because it rhymed with goose. Cheesy I know but we were young and lets just face it.... Corny. Through out the years I would hear goose every now and again and it always brought a smile to my face. Then after Garrett was born I stopped working and watched a lot of Regis and Kelly in the morning as I laid on the couch with my newest little man and one day, I cannot remember for the life of me which actress was on, but they were talking about having their little person climb in bed with them and cuddling and calling them their little lover. I for some reason thought that was the strangest thing to call your child and told Trev about it and we jokingly started calling Garrett our little lover and eventually each other and it kind of just stuck through the years. I have heard a lot of babe and lady. And most common through the last few years my name has been "Vern" which stemmed from lover to lovern to Vern. I could not even begin to explain how badly I would love to hear Trevor call for Vern. I also would love to hear him say, "I love you big." which then I would tell him I love him back and he would ask, "How Big??" I would tell how big and he would say, "I love you this big".... with his huge arms spread as wide as they would go with a big grin on his face. Trevor is the sweetest boy I know. He was never shy about telling me how much he loved me and how beautiful he thought I was multiple times every single day of our life together and bringing me home flowers. I would often find little love notes randomly through out the house in places he knew I would get into often. He would also leave me love notes on the shower door or bathroom window so as I was showering and the doors and windows fogged up I could see his notes. I wish I could just squeeze Trevor tight and let him know how much I love him and miss him. I am reminded often of what a wonderful husband and father he was and still is. I love. Love. Love him.
Posted by Trevor and Holly at 9:53 PM 6 comments
Tuesday, March 1, 2011
Talent Show...
The boys signed up to be in the primary talent show put on last Friday. Garrett signed up to do a head stand which he doesn't really know how to do and Porter signed up to walk on his hands. Well, I have been reading Trevor's mission journal to the boys and Trev had written about the MTC and while I was reading it to the boys Garrett says to me, "How do you fish in an 'empty sea'???" I started to laugh and then explained to him that it wasn't an 'empty sea' it was M.T.C. which stood for missionary training center. I told my parents about it and Garrett overheard and my Dad laughed and said that was a good joke Garrett. So Garrett's thinking, I'm funny I made a joke and tells me to tell Grandma Carol his "joke". So then next thing I know he is telling me he changed his talent and now he was going to tell his joke. It turned out to be a good thing since he really didn't know how to do a head stand and I didn't have the desire to teach him how to, but then the pressure was on how to figure out to present his joke. I over heard my Dad telling him to say something about fishers of men and then as it came down to a few hours before the show the perfect line popped into my head and anyone who knows me knows I am no comedian and rarely get a joke. I am the worst. But this is what we came up with, and when I say "we" I am pretty sure I had some help from Trev on this because that is definitely not a talent of mine. Joke: I have been hearing about going to the MTC to learn how to be fishers of men. But what I don't understand ...... Is.....How do you fish in an "EMPTY SEA"???? hahaha : ) Garrett did AWESOME. He got right up there and it took a second for him to start but he did such a good job and delivered it perfect. I asked him when he was done if he was scared and he says, "When I was going up there I was nervous and I thought I was going to THROW UP. But I feel good now." Haha. Porter was AMAZING too, he has come leaps and bounds out of his shell it is hard to believe it is the same kid. I have a feeling Trevor has had a little hand in helping him along the way too. I like to think so anyway. Porter got right up on stage and almost hand walked right off the stage. I asked him if he was scared and he said, "NOPE, I wasn't scared!" I am so glad. I am so proud of those little stinkers for being so gutsy and getting right up there and following through with what they said they would do. Again certainly not a talent of mine to get up in front of a big group or small group for that matter and put my self out there. I know Trev must have just been beaming and so proud of these little boys. This is a picture of Garrett on stage but I was so sad Porter went right before Garrett and for some reason I couldn't get my camera to take a picture so I missed him. : ( The two little talents at home after the show. Garrett got a medal for picking up the most garbage after the show. I tried really hard to get a good picture of Porter but he would not hold still for me for one stinken second and so this is the best I got. Garrett even had to have him in a head lock to get him to hold still. Little stinker.
Of course Mason and Brody wanted in on the action...
Mason showing me some of his tricks...
I had to get some pictures of Brody in his hat. He has just recently started wearing a hat and I love it. He looks so much like Trevor to me in a hat and I just want to eat him up. I also love. Love. LOVE the hat hair. I know I might be weird but I always loved Trevor in a hat and LOVED it when his hair was all matted down from his hat. I just thought he was the cutest and so it makes me so happy that Brody will wear a hat now. He is a little cheeser and was being so funny so they are pretty goofy pictures but I got a couple good ones too...
You would think someone was tickling his neck.....but they weren't....
Awww........Who wouldn't love Trevie's little Brody?????
Posted by Trevor and Holly at 8:59 PM 4 comments