Garrett had to decorate a ginger bread Man and make up a story to go with him. We were quite proud of his pirate ginger bread man. Garrett said he was glad that he was the only one that made a pirate one because his was the most different. I wish I had kept a copy of the story. If he brings it back home I will post what he came up with, with the help of his Papa Don. Garrett is doing so good at school. I had his and Porters conferences with their teachers and they both said the boys are doing so good and excelling in each subject and both are so kind and respectful and good listeners and work really well with others. Garrett has received multiple awards for his good behavior. Their teachers have been so great. Porter's teacher said Porter is really shy but he has come a long way and he will answer questions she asks him in class and he even had to give the scripture in primary and I was so proud of him for not having any reservations and getting right up and giving the scripture with my help. It is amazing the leaps and bounds he has come from just this last year. He would never even get up to do the fun things in sharing time to help with the lesson even with my help. I am so proud of both of my sweet little boys and am so happy they are doing well.
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
School Project...
Posted by Trevor and Holly at 8:55 PM 4 comments
Lost Tooth...
Garrett has been working on loosing his tooth for the last couple of weeks and was so excited to come home and show us he had finally lost it. My Dad tried to pull it out before he left for school but it started to bleed so he stopped but apparently he loosened it up just enough. He looks like he lost a couple because the hole is so big but it is just one. When Garrett grins really big it reminds me so much of Trev. I love it!! I can't believe how big he is getting.
Posted by Trevor and Holly at 8:41 PM 1 comments
Boys Room...
This post is mainly for Amanda.... I changed the boys room up a bit. I wanted them to be reminded of all the fun things that they loved to do with their Dad while he was here so he is always fresh in their mind. Trevor LOVED his boys so much and is so proud of all of them and their sweet spirits. I know he is watching over them.I found this lamp shade with a map on it and I had to get it because Trev loved to show the boys all the places he and we had been and all the places we wanted to go.
This is the collage dedicated to some of the boys favorite things they did with their Dad. They just adore him. Trevor is an amazing Dad.
I love this picture of Joseph smith kneeling in the grove. It is a great reminder to keep the faith even with the many challenges we will go through in this life. Joseph Smith is such an amazing example of courage and strength.
Then of course the cork board to hang all the wonderful art projects the boys bring home.
Posted by Trevor and Holly at 8:12 PM 1 comments
This Thanksgiving I am so thankful for the gospel in my life. I am thankful for the Atonement. I am so thankful for the opportunity I had to know and love my sweet husband, Trevor. I am so thankful for four sweet boys that remind me everyday of their wonderful Dad!! I have been overwhelmed by the love and support of my family, friends and unknown angels. I know my boys and I have been watched over and I have so much gratitude in my heart. I hope that I can always remember to teach the boys to be thankful and recognize the many blessings we enjoy. We have had a great loss, but we also have been given so much and we are so lucky to have the opportunity to be together with Trevor again one day and I look forward to that day. We were able to spend this Thanksgiving with my parents, Joel and Amber's family, Lisa and Chris's family and my grandpa and grandma Goodman. We had fun being able to visit with them, play games and eat good food. I have an amazing family, we are so blessed!!
I tried to get a good picture of all the boys on Thanksgiving, this is the best I got of all four of them, Brody wasn't being very cooperative. Then there is these crazy monkeys, they have so much energy. I wish I had even half the energy these little men have then I would be doing good.
Posted by Trevor and Holly at 6:50 PM 1 comments
Thursday, November 18, 2010
Happy Birthday to My Mason Boy...
My Mason Boy turned 4 on the 15TH of November and was so excited for his parties. His Aunt Meg threw a little party for him on Sunday and he loved all the attention and thought he was pretty special. He had a fun party until the went out with a bang......throwing up. Poor little man but by morning he was ready to play some more. Thanks Meg for being so thoughtful and having a little party for Mase, you guys are the BEST!!His Aunt Lou and cousins sent a package with How to Train Your Dragon and some How to Train Your Dragon goodies and he was so funny opening it because he got so excited and couldn't believe all the stuff inside his package. So worth the money and time on gifts when you get such a good reaction!! They have only watched the movie about 5 times everyday since they got it. I think it is safe to say that one was a winner!! Thanks Aunt Lou, Uncle Matt, Nate, Bay, Jack and Ry. We love you guys!! :)
A little photo shoot by the one and only Porter photographer...
After we were ready for the day and before we had to send Porter off to school we ran to Target for Mase to spend his B-Day money from his Grandma Carol. He thought he was one cool dude with his OWN money to spend and ran right to the super hero toys and finally settled on Batman. He was so excited to pay for it on his own he kept trying to cut in front of the lady that was before us and pay the cashier. What a funny little man. He sure loves his super hero!! Thanks for the money Grandma Carol, it was a BIG HIT!!
After Porter left for school Mase and I had a fun time going shopping for him for some new clothes and picking out his B-Day dinner and cake and B-Day cookies for his preschool class the following day. He sure thought he was special and loved telling everyone it was his Birthday and that he is four now. Mason loved his little party at Grandma Sue's and loved his pillow pet from Mom, dinosaurs from Grandma Sue, spiderman and shirt from Aunt Amber & buddy Drew, and How to Train Your Dragon costume, superhero cape, Viking towel, and goodies from Aunt Amanda and cousins. You guys sure know how to make a little man SMILE!! Thanks everyone for making Mason's day so special. We are sure lucky to have the BEST family EVER!!!
Love Porter the Viking.... :)
Posted by Trevor and Holly at 1:32 PM 2 comments
Sunday, October 31, 2010
Since Halloween this year was on Sunday the boys just enjoyed there school parties and we went with Matt and Meg and there family to enjoy their Trunk or Treat. The boys had a good time and didn't seem to mind that they didn't go trick or treating on Halloween night. They loved just getting to see all the kids come to the door all dressed up in their costumes. Garrett wanted to be a soldier and loved having Papa Don paint his face like he did when he would go to the field to do his war games. Porter was a pirate...
His pirate face...
And of course Mase was a pirate but this is the best I could get of him good thing we captured his pirate face on the previous post.
Brody was a monkey after his monkey moo...
Posted by Trevor and Holly at 8:31 PM 5 comments
Friday, October 29, 2010
Garrett brought home this gourd from school and had to be creative and turn it into something that he had to take into school to be judged. He had the idea to turn it into a spider and I think he turned out pretty cute. Garrett is so proud of him!! Garrett is so cute about his simple love of life!!Porter brought home a spider hat he made at school and needed to get a picture, too!! Porter is LOVING school so much, it makes me so happy!!
Don't mind his brown teeth, he is just eating candy, I promise I do brush his teeth!!
Posted by Trevor and Holly at 10:35 PM 0 comments
Halloween Party...
Mason had his preschool Halloween Party and he loved getting into character as a pirate.... in case you couldn't tell that is his pirate face!! This kid is such a character, he cracks me up so much just like his Dad!!!
Posted by Trevor and Holly at 10:26 PM 0 comments
For FHE the boys decorated their pumpkins and had a good time piecing together their pumpkin heads. I think they turned out pretty cute!!!
Posted by Trevor and Holly at 10:19 PM 1 comments
Oh how I missed Greenbluff last year.......we were able to go this year with G & G Stephenson. We headed to Siemers farm and fed this little Mama goat and her baby....Played at Fort Siemers....
Ate warm pumpkin doughnuts......YUM....
Listened to the live band.....
Found our way through the corn maze.....without cheating this year. :)
Took a peek up at the top of this castle....there was a picture of a creepy person on the wall and Papa Jim held Brody up to see it and he started screaming bloody murder... so sad but so funny at the same time. Funny little boy!! There also was a man dressed up in a scary gorilla costume and was in a cage that he would get out of and scare people. Porter was NOT a fan. These boys crack me up sometimes!!
Stuffed animal petting zoo...
After the maze we needed another snack and what could be better then kettle corn?!!
On to another farm...
Petting the miniature horse...
Playing on top of the hay maze...
Posted by Trevor and Holly at 9:33 PM 1 comments