We had our Trunk or Treat on Halloween day!! Trevor has been having some terrible teeth pain so he called the dentist the day before Halloween and they squeezed him in that day to look at his teeth. They told him they could take him on Halloween or it would be a while so he took it, (what dentist works on Saturday?!) Anyhow he needed a couple of root canals and so they gave him a couple of pills that put him out, they said it would only take two hours and then he would be fine for trick or treating, he was in there for SIX hours and there wasn't a thing in the world you could do to wake him up until the next morning. It was funny because the kids could not understand why Dad was sleeping through all the fun. They kept saying, " Dad, why are you sleeping when we are going trick or treating?" It was a little stressful for me to get everyone ready on my own and then get to the trunk or treat and get our trunk decorated. I was worried I would be the looser with the trunk because Trevor had told me that the Trunk or Treat was suppose to be really good and most everyone in our ward has lots of money but there was only a couple of people that even tried to decorate their trunk so I had nothing to worry about then Papa Jim picked Trevor up and met me at the Trunk or Treat to help, he passed out candy while I took the boys around. Trevor just slept in the truck, I wish I had gotten a picture of him!!Our little frog!!
A couple of Pirates and a Cowboy!!
Brody was happy as a clam walking around with his sucker! We had to take his costume down because it was so warm out!!
101 Years of Books: the 1930s
5 years ago
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