Garrett came in today and was so proud to give me this flower he picked for me and let me know how much he loves me, (the purple flower) and then quite awhile later Porter came in and gave me the little yellow flower, (so they thought :). ) They were so sweet and cute about it and Porter's little smile was to die for, I wished I could have gotten that on camera so I decided to get some pictures of them with their flowers.
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Posted by Trevor and Holly at 2:52 PM 1 comments
Brody at 6 Months!!
Brody is getting so big, he still has not been able to get over his ear-infections, poor guy, we have another doctors appointment on Thursday and we will see what the next step is going to be, when I was in last time she said if this antibiotic didn't do the trick she would refer us to an ear, nose and throat specialist. I wish he would magically be healed but he doesn't seem to be better. He has started rolling both ways, he can sit with no support and loves to get up on his knees. He wants so badly to be able to play with his big brothers!! Although he has been fighting being sick for quite some time it has not slowed this little man down on his eating and gaining of weight. I am at the doctors about every two weeks for this guy and every time I go in he has gained a pound. Last Tuesday 6 days before his 6 month mark he was weighing in a little over 20lbs. I am curious to see how much he will weigh tomorrow. His daily push-ups!!
Posted by Trevor and Holly at 2:30 PM 0 comments
On Sunday afternoon, after we have gotten home from church, eaten lunch and taken our well needed snooze, we like to go out and take a drive. On this particular Sunday afternoon we headed to Galveston to show the boys the ocean. It was a beautiful night and we all loved seeing the ocean, so we decided to go back the next weekend and play at the beach and this time we brought Grandpa and Grandma Stephenson!!Cool houses on the beach!! I don't think I would want to live there considering the huge hurricane that just hit, but cool for someone!! :)
Taking a stroll along the beach!!
Looking for sea shells!!
Porter and Garrett showing off the sea shells they found!!
Mason rode in the stroller most the time after he thought the water was out to get him, when the tide came back in and it almost got him he got a little nervous. He decided it was a little safer in the stroller with Brody. I tried to show him that it wasn't scary but he wasn't buying it!!
Boys and sticks!! The second Porter steps outside he has to find a good stick, he thought it was fun to draw in the sand. I showed them they could write their name in the sand and they thought that was pretty cool!!
Garrett and Porter on a race back to the car so we could go get some lunch!!
This was a cool castle we got to tour, it is called the, "Bishop's Palace". Trevor and I love to look at these old buildings the construction is so amazing, all the woodwork and stone is so "COOL"!!
I put a couple of these on, I just thought it was too funny all the takes trying to get a decent family photo and there are many more, such hard work!!
Trevor's got his tongue sticking out and Porter is looking down in the one above, Porter not looking again, you can't see Brody's face and Mason is just being weird below.
And once again, I thought I could count on at least Trevor and I but not a chance!! :)
Playing outside the Castle waiting for the tour to start!!
A long afternoon at Galveston and everybody was pooped out, everyone except Garrett was sound asleep in the back on the way home!! :)
Posted by Trevor and Holly at 11:57 AM 0 comments
Thursday, January 8, 2009
Trevor's sister Emily was so nice to have everyone over for the Christmas holiday!Christmas Eve we went for a hike with the family to a so called water fall all though it was missing most of the water!! :) We had a good time!! I love to get out and do those kinds of things!! We had fun getting to see all the cactus up close!!Kids love cupboards and mine are no different!!
All the girls in the kitchen making goodies!!
Watching the goodies being made, hoping to steal a bite or two!!
Christmas morning we opened presents at Trevor's sisters house, with all the cousins!! It was a lot of fun and the boys loved it!!
I love the expresions on Mason's face!!
Santa brought pirate swords and pirate ships for everyone except there was a mishap with Mason's ship, luckily Elmo stole the show!!
Mason loved his talking Elmo!! He was so CUTE with him!!
Brody loved him, too!!
Trevor and I got a new camera and Trevor took a ton of pictures of this little cutie!!
Most all of the cousins Christmas morning, everyone made it except Matt's family, we sure missed them!!
Trevor's sister Amanda is always good at doing activities with the kiddos. The favorite is the DANCE OFF!!
Posted by Trevor and Holly at 7:35 AM 2 comments