Thursday, December 10, 2009


We headed to Mississippi to spend Thanksgiving with Trevor's sister Amanda and her family. We had a lot of fun getting to visit with them and the boys loved playing with their cousins! There is nothing quite like having NINE BOYS, ten years and under playing together in one house! We loved Thanksgiving dinner and the company. Thanks so much for having us Sainsbury family!! Picture below is Amanda, Bob and their cute boys!!We went alligator hunting in the bayou, but for the second year in a row no such luck finding one.Trevor and I with all our boys and the fun cousins!!Carson was such a good buddy to all of the kids but especially to his little red headed buddy Mase!! Aren't they so CUTE!! =)We got yummy ice cream at the MSU creamery. Mason is such a good big brother sharing his ice cream with the Brody!!

The boys spent most of there time playing in the Sainsbury's great back yard with a fort and everything. They LOVED IT!!
A quick story about what happens when a bunch of little boys get together. Thanksgiving morning all the adults are getting things ready for the big dinner and I look out the window to see the oldest cousin on the large down hill driveway revving up a double stroller with Garrett and another little cousin in it and trotting down the drive way is Porter to look across the street to see if there is any cars coming then comes the wave to say all is clear and then I see the stroller flying down the driveway across the street. I have to admit it was pretty good thinking of those guys to come up with that and make sure no cars were coming and also pretty humorous to watch; all though it wasn't a safe thing for them to be doing and we immediately put an end to it!! Boys will be boys!!


sainsburys said...

Holly these pictures and post made my day. thanks for putting them up . I loved the pictures. I will have to show carson tomorrow. what great memories. can't wait until next year.